Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Electricity Demystified

Electricity Demystified by Stan Gibilisco
McGraw-Hill Professional Jan 21 2005 0071439250 PDF 4MB

Now anyone with an interest in electricity can master it -- without getting their wires crossed. In Electricity Demystified, best-selling science and math writer Stan Gibilisco provides an effective and painless way to improve your understanding of the electricity that powers so much of modern life.

With Electricity Demystified, you master the subject one simple step at a time -- at your own speed. This unique self-teaching guide offers quizzes and tests at the end of each chapter and section to pinpoint weaknesses, and a 70-question final exam to reinforce the entire book.
If you want to build or refresh your understanding of electricity, here's a fast, entertaining self-teaching course that's really electrifying! Get ready to:
* Understand what gives electricity its power

* Solve problems involving current, voltage, power, and resistance
* Grasp the connection between electricity and magnetism
* Discover how magnetic levitation works
* Learn about alternative electricity sources, such as solar energy and fuel cells
* Take a "final exam" and grade it yourself!

A fast, effective, and fun way to learn about electricity, Electricity Demystified is the perfect shortcut to a deeper understanding of one of the most powerful forces in our lives.

About the Author
Stan Gibilisco is one of McGraw-Hill's most prolific and popular authors. His clear, reader-friendly writing style makes his science books accessible to a wide audience, and his background in mathematics, electronics, and scientific research has given him a worldwide reputation as an editor of professional handbooks and textbooks. He is the author of Physics Demystified; Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics; and The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics. Booklist named his McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Personal Computing a "Best Reference" of 1996.

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