Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Hate Stupid People

I Hate Stupid People --- No Asshole Rule!!!
Back in Sept. 2007, I quit my job after enduring 5 years of obstacles & failure. Besides my health problems, I was constantly irritated with my co-workers and bosses for not being the best they could be, and for demanding everyone else be the best they could be. Personally, I don't ever remember receiving anything positive from this job and to make matters worse, they weren't the most understanding, cooperative, productive…. OR…. Intelligent bunch!!!
There came a time when my motto became, "I Hate Stupid People"…. and everyone who knew me then (and now) knows how much Stupidity really aggravates me! Sometimes I just want to scream it!!!

After having repeated this mantra for nearly half a decade, I came across a very interesting newspaper clipping… I laughed so hard I cried!

Here's the newspaper article:
At that point, I realized there were other people like me, dissatisfied with working conditions but with no real 'tools' to making things better. In reality, all I wanted was validation for myself.
So I began my search on the internet to find others who had been mistreated at their workplace, when I came across a brilliant writer who authored the book, "No Asshole Rule"….

This book describes how one can survive Assholes in the Workplace---a very frank approach but kinda funny too!
Here are some excerpts from Bob Sutton's blog:

Survival Tips:
- Escape if you possibly can.
- Start with polite conversation.
- If a bully keeps spewing venom at you, limit your contact with the creep as much as possible.
- Find ways to enjoy "small wins" over assholes.
- Practice indifference and emotional detachment - learn how not to let an asshole touch your soul.
- Keep an asshole diary - carefully document what the jerk does and when it happens.
- Recruit fellow victims and witnesses.
- Take legal action if you must, but do so as a last resort.

Since the last time I viewed his blog, he has also added a 24-Question Self-Exam on his site. It's interesting to see if you are made up of asshole material… (LOL)

Summarizing the "No Asshole Rule" from Bob Sutton's interview:
"Asshole" behavior includes bullying, interpersonal aggression, emotional abuse, abusive supervision, petty tyranny, harassment, and incivility in the workplace. And he shows that such behavior affects the bottom line of a business through impaired organizational performance, including increased turnover, absenteeism, decreased commitment to work, and impaired individual performance.

The "No Asshole Rule" doesn't allow anyone to get away with demeaning, nasty, or disrespectful behavior toward others in the workplace. People who continually behave that way need serious reform or should be shown the door.
The rule is needed because too many organizations allow such behavior to persist. For example, surveys show that one out of two Americans has an abusive boss. And one out of five or six people is in work relationships where they feel persistently, emotionally abused.

Assholes have devastating cumulative effects partly because nasty interactions have far more impact on us than positive ones-five times the punch, according to recent research. And it takes numerous encounters with positive people to offset the energy and happiness sapped by a single episode with one asshole.
Surveys show that one out of two Americans has an abusive boss. The behavior of assholes damages individual well-being and also impacts corporate profits, mostly because it reduces people's commitment to the organization and drives out some of the best employees.

The Dirty Dozen - {someone who oppresses, humiliates, de-energizes or belittles a subordinate or colleague}
1. Personal insults

2. Invading another's personal space
3. Uninvited personal contact
4. Threats and intimidation, both verbal and non verbal
5. Sarcastic jokes and teasing used to deliver insults
6. Withering email flames
7. Status slaps intended to humiliate another person
8. Public shaming or status degradation rituals
9. Rude interruptions
10. Two-faced attacks
11. Dirty looks
12. Treating people as if they are invisible

If you want more info on this subject, check out Bob Sutton's blog {there's a wealth of information on this subject!}:

As for me, I still haven't received my $700 vacation pay and because I quit, I didn't qualify for unemployment.
If there was such a thing, I would apply for "Battle Pay", because working for those people was like an uphill battle--- with no assistance, no training, no motivation, no possibility of advancement, and No Appreciation for those who made a difference!

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